Dear IGGI Community:

IGGI would like to share an opportunity to contribute to teaching on APA politics, courtesy of the editors of a special issue for the Journal of Political Science Education. The call for proposals (CFP) has a March 30, 2020 deadline!

Call for proposals:

Special Issue on “Teaching College Students about Asian and Asian Pacific American Politics from Multiple Perspectives”

Journal of Political Science Education.

There has been remarkably little published works that relate to teaching Asian Pacific American (APA) politics. The APA population is the second fastest growing racial group in the United States and is a rapidly expanding part of the college student population. Further APA citizens are becoming an increasingly important political constituency for both parties in an era of highly competitive elections. In addition, the growing importance of Asia and the Pacific to the economic prosperity and security of the United States has become increasing evident in what many have called the “Pacific Century”. Despite the growing importance of the APA population, both in terms of populating college classrooms, as a key political constituency in the United States, and an important group who help provide insights and expertise on Asia and the Pacific, there is very little guidance on the teaching of APA politics nor work on the experience of APA political scientists. The proposed special issue for the Journal of Political Science Education (JPSE) will address this lacunae by focusing on the topic of teaching APA politics in a rapidly changing political world.

The term “APA politics” for this special edition denotes a transnational perspective that focuses on their political behaviors and institutions in the U.S. as well as in Asia.

Articles for the below categories 1, 2, 5, 6 and 7 should be between 3,000 to 8,000 words whereas articles for categories 3 and 4 should be between 2,000 to 4,000 words.

The special issue editors, John Ishiyama (University of North Texas) and James Lai (Santa Clara University) invite contributions that include (but are not limited to) papers that : 1) review the current state of the teaching of APA politics, both in terms of prevalence in political science programs and the content of such courses (i.e. what topics are commonly covered in courses on APA politics; 2) describe how teaching APA politics has been integrated in general American Politics courses, including introductory level courses and how such instruction can be improved; 3) describe how courses dedicated to APA politics can be effectively designed and implemented; 4) demonstrate how coverage of APA politics is integrated into courses on Race and Ethnic Politics ; 5) evaluate pedagogical techniques that are often used, such as active and engaged learning (including the promotion of undergraduate research) in courses on APA politics; 6) review the experiences of APA political scientists in an increasingly globalized world; 7) describe the experiences of teaching APA politics as an a non APA scholar. We are very open to other topics as well, as they relate to the theme of the special issue.

To submit a proposal, and to be considered for inclusion in the special issue, please provide a title, author(s) names and affiliations, and a short abstract of no more 250 words to either [email protected] or [email protected] by March 30, 2020. The final manuscripts should be no longer than 4000 words all inclusive (text, tables, graphics and citations). The citation and style format should be consistent with APSA style.


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