Copyright (c) IGGI 2017
At our last meeting in March of 2017, the Board of Directors for the Institute for Good Government and Inclusion presented Dr. Amy Joy with a plaque honoring her for outstanding service on the founding board of IGGI (2014-2017). We do important work using social science research skills to critically evaluate tough issues in public policy and Amy has played a supportive role in advising us from the start. As you may know, this is a volunteer position and Amy served our public charity well through the generosity of her heart as well as by sharing her empirical, broad-based knowledge and wisdom.
The second most important agenda item for the Board was that we confirmed the nomination of Maitria Moua (J.D.) as our newest board member. Ms. Moua’s social justice interests fit well with IGGI. We are honored and excited to have her join the Board as we continue with our research and education efforts in the domains of the rule of law, respect for persons, transparency in government and democratic inclusion. Welcome, Maitria!